Patch 1.1.0

Vector Elite

Enter a sci-fi environment where your only objective is to hit all targets around you, using any means at your disposal. Bounce bullets off any surface and plan precision shots. Use portals to cut a doorway into reality itself, making for creative alternatives. Find the best solution for you.

[u][b]NEW CONTROLS FOR VR! [/b][/u] - Added a new toolbelt (or holsters) to the player, and a second gun for portals. So now the player will have a gun for bullets and a separate one for portals. - Either gun can be grabbed by either controller. - Portal gun can now use the trigger to fire both portals and can press the top button to switch portals. - Shield is now activated by either hand if it is now holding anything. - Restart can now be used on either controller if it is not holding anything. - You can duel wield the guns if you’re feeling confident. [u][b]CHANGES AND ADJUSTMENTS: [/b][/u] - Changed menu controls so both hands should now work. - You don’t need to have a gun held to select on the menu. - Both hands can now be used to move to different spots. An indicator will appear when trying to move. - Removed the option for left-handed as the new controls method makes this deprecated. - Adjusted the controls images so they account for one controllers' control of everything. - Changes to the tutorial levels to help the player some more. [u][b]KNOWN BUGS: [/b][/u] - Holstering a weapon to the same holster as the other weapon causes them to both use the same holster. This does not hurt the gameplay, but it is just an annoying visual problem. - If both hands are interacting with a holster, one button will act as though both were pressed. Again, not game-breaking, but it is something I will work to fix. - The shield covers up UI while active.