Patch 1.07 Release Notes


A real time first person dungeon crawler mixed with optional story-telling visual novel segments, taking place in a fragmented world on the verge of war. As countries clash and tensions rise, the traditions of the old world find themselves fighting with the ever changing culture of the new era.

Hello everyone, A patch has been released for the game which has fixed numerous issues, as well as quality of life enhancements. A full list of fixes can be seen below; [list] [*] Visual Novel segments now run at a faster speed [*] Fixes to the New Nor level, where a key was sometimes appearing as bugged [*] Fixed a minor visual issue where the Music & Sound levels under options would sometimes show decimals [*] Fixes to the Altum Ruins & Altar levels, which had a bug preventing progress for some users [*] Fixes to the Gallery mode, which was disabled for some users, even with the patch [*] AI Tweaks to some mobs, including the Fire Snake & Fire Warriors, and Pathfinding has been slightly tweaked for some mobs [*] Fixed the "Yes" and "No" button coordinate issues from the in-game pause menu on full screen [*] Fixes to the Delete Button on the Save & Load screen, which at times was causing bugs [*] Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the footstep sfx to loop infinitely when loading games [*] Added more clear pitch differentiation between footsteps [*] Increased the range at which tiles enter the minimap (3 tiles wide radius now) [*] Fixed various single block textures missing on some levels [*] Fixed an issue with an "invisible wall" spawning where iron grates should be on some levels [*] Slightly tweaked certain damage values for further balancing [*] Minimap button no longer needs to be held down anymore, replaced with a single tap toggle and added a slight transparency [/list] If there are any questions/concerns/bug reports just let us know! We also have a discord server here;