Patch 1.02 – Out Now

despatch: Entity Astray

Imagine waking up in an unknown environment. It’s dark. You have no idea where and who you are. Only a small alarm light flashes somewhere in the room. Something seems off. The room is filled with a strange soundscape. Start your adventure now and bring light into the unknown darkness.

[h1]Controller Update[/h1] [b]UI Update[/b] [list] [*] Adding Controller settings for Locomotion options (Main Menu) [/list] [b]Controller Options and Functionality Update[/b] [list] [*] Adding Direction for Hand and Head locomotion [*] Adding Teleport Mode for Instant and Fade locomotion [*] Adding Turning Type for Continous and Snap locomotion [/list] [b]Gameplay Update[/b] [list] [*] Collision Boxes Optimization: Broken Pod Latch [*] Collision Boxes Optimization: Console Lever [/list] [h2]Further Updates (TBA)[/h2] [b]Controller Options and Functionality Update[/b] [list] [*] Adding Left Hand Type to Free-Roam, Teleport and Step-Setting [*] Adding Teleport Duration Time [*] Adding Turning Duration Time [*] Adding Turning Modes: Instant, Fade and Dash [/list]