Patch 1.02: Alternative control scheme


Become an asteroid miner and loot your way to supremacy! Fight waves of vicious aliens or battle against your friends.

[list] [*] [b]Feature:[/b] Alternative control scheme added. It can be chosen in the game settings and can be used with either Keyboard or Gamepad as input device. This allows you to change classic Asteroids controls to making the ship angle towards your actual input direction. Please also note that the Photon Thrusters upgrade can drastically increase the ship's maneuverability and therefore affect the feeling of control. The new control scheme is limited in that you cannot actively use the backwards thrusters like you could with Asteroids-like controls. However, if you attempt something close a 180° turn, the ship will still utilize the backwards thrusters in an optimal way. [*] [b]Bugfix:[/b] Endless mode scores displayed the total harvest of the run rather than just what's been harvested in endless mode [*] [b]Translation:[/b] Various strings added and typos fixed [/list]