Patch 1.01 Released

Epic Car Factory

Epic Car Factory puts you in the drivers seat of your very own car company. Build, market, hire, fire, and more in this fast paced business simulation. The failure and success of the company depends entirely on your decisions and how you react to the ever changing market place.

Dear builders, we thank you for your honest reviews, even though most are negative. This helps us a lot to see what you do not like, and change it the way you like it. With the patch that now got live, we have applied the following changes: [list] [*]shortened and lowered volume for chewing, munching, slurping [*]fixed an issue, where volume did reset itself to maximum [*]added 16 more contracts for the first decade [b][Balance][/b] [*]decreased salaries and level up costs by 20 percent [b][Balance][/b] [*]fixed an issue, where achievements did not count properly, please load the game with the new update, this will give you the earned achievements [/list] Our next tasks until Monday [list] [*]more and better contracts [*]boost the stats gained from tuning items [*]change the concept of defects/bugs [/list] Stay tuned and help us make the game better and better. And hopefully, someday you will like us more :) Yours, Epic Devs