We have just released an update for Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099, bringing it to version 1.0.9.
The key improvements in version 1.0.9 include:
Shortcuts have been added to the game! Please take a look at the shortcut descriptions in the main menu (currently only available in English and Spanish, translations are ongoing) and enjoy! We believe that the "space bar" shortcut for speeding up time might be a game changer (pun intended).
[*] The "new day" screen now requires a click to be skipped.
[*] An annoying bug that caused certain LEDs to remain on when they shouldn't have has been fixed.
[*] A bug that caused certain "endings" to be triggered repeatedly has been fixed.
[*] Various minor adjustments have been made.
Additionally, we have implemented the cross-platform Steam Cloud save system, allowing players who use both Windows and Mac computers to have a single shared game between the two systems. The Steam Cloud save system can be enabled or disabled on a per-game basis; so, if you play the game on both Windows and Mac computers and wish to maintain different save files for each system, please simply disable the Steam Cloud for Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099.
We value your feedback and would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the new version and these improvements!
We are continuously fine-tuning the game in various aspects. After almost a month since its release, numerous improvements and small tweaks have been made. Rest assured that we are closely monitoring your feedback on Discord, Steam, social media, and other platforms.
Once again, we sincerely appreciate your support!