Patch 1.0.4 changes

The Moonflower (Alpha)

The Moonflower is a cooperative horror-survival video game the game is set in an abandoned forest island, where there is the known demon "Moonflower" and the players will have to block it as much as possible / hunt it via an underground laboratory.

[h2]Heyla! [/h2] [h2]We invited this patch to change some things in the game. It's just between us, here are the changes:[/h2] [h1]Optimization[/h1] - Now the game instead of weighing about 8 GB weighs 5.47 GB and should also be faster. [h1]Bug Fix[/h1] - Removed the "bomb jumpscare" where ghosts would bomb you with jumpscare without letting you go clear - Reduced the number of ghosts causing lag and difficulty in the game - Fixed some localizations [h1]New features[/h1] - Added fear bar. This bar fills up so many times that ghosts give you a jumpscare if it fills up. The moonflower will hunt you down. However, if you notice any other bugs please report them in the in-game pause menu. We will be grateful as this little project is always an alpha <3 Thank you.