Patch 1.0.3 is live

Swords and Sandals Crusader Redux

The world of Swords and Sandals is at war! Join the Crusade against Emperor Antares! For the first time since 2007, the beloved Swords and Sandals Crusader returns, reforged from the ground up. Fast paced, addictive tactical warfare is back and better than ever!

[i][b]"Fair? Don't talk to me about what's fair! I'm the one wrestling with an actual, fire and brimstone daemon who wants to consume my soul every damn day - and don't say [i]that's your own fault[/i] even if it is!!!! Just keep marching, you fools! All you legionnaires have to do is put your spears forward and shut the hell up and I pay you generously! Most weeks, anyway!" - HeChaos of Eddengarth[/b][/i] Hey my friends! Work continues on improvements to and bugfixes for [i]Swords and Sandals Crusader Redux[/i]. Thanks as always to the tireless bughunting efforts of the community on Discord, particularly Admiral Billy and Eldegoss. This patch adds a bunch of balance tweaks and patches to the game that I hope make the game a more playable experience ( as well as new achievements to strive for). As always, if you find any issues, hit me up here or on Discord and I'll try and fix them. Cheers, Oliver Joyce Whiskeybarrel Studios [b]Balance Tweaks + New Features[/b] [list] [*] Added skill point stats to leader panels during combat [*] You can now select starting levels in Conquer the Realm up to 46-50 range ( Rank X ) making for epic and brutal battles. [*] You can now select the rate at which leaders gain XP in Conquer the Realm mode ( from slow to very fast ) [*] Wandering Monsters are always ON in conquer the realm now. [*] Maxxed leader skills at 25 for late game balance reasons. [*] Lowered the gold you get once you learn all powers to 10 gold per level. [*] Troops raised in battle using RAISE DEAD now return to the grave at the end of the battle ( eg they don't continue on the campaign with you, or the next survival round etc) [*] You now sell troops for half their original unit price. [*] Made Call Critters have a higher chance of hitting foes (but lower damage) [*] Changed Mass Healing so it starts off at 25% and goes up 25% per level [*] Troop reinforcements in Survival mode give 10 troops, not 20 [*] Added a 'Retreat' button to Survival mode so you can end the mode quickly if things aren't going in your favour [*] Also added a 'Retreat' option to sieges (for everyone except Antares, who may never retreat.) [*] Reduced the maximum strength of castle walls to 50 + (5 per character level) [*] Increased the cost of upgrading boulders for catapults [*] Increased the rate at which enemy leaders add troops to garrisons [*] Added extra inspiration quotes up to level 50 [*] Leaders levels in quick battle now go from 1 through 10 [*] Leaders now go up 10 levels, 1 spell power and gain 5 skill points when levelling up in Survival mode [*] Slightly redesigned the provinces info panel [*] Added some new Steam achievements [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where colossi could get one shot killed while defending sieges [*] Fixed a bug your colossus could be killed during a dig or on a random adventure ( which would sometimes freeze the game) [*] Fixed a bug where changing the map from redux to classic glitched the graphics out [*] Fixed a bug where battles would freeze during sieges when the enemy ran out of siege options. [*] Fixed a bug where colossi had more than 10 health in duels [*] Fixed a bug where you earned gold instead of skills when levelling up (this should only happen once you have maxxed out all your skills [*] Fixed a bug (exploit) where you could buy troops, upgrade them and sell them back for a profit [*] Fixed a 'null' string in Survival congratulations screen [*] Fixed a bug where finding new soldiers during adventures would replace your current ones ( eg you might find 15 new light troops that replaced your cavalry.) [*] Fixed a bug where leader's info text panels in battle showed only their bonus skill stats and not the full total [*] Fixed a bug where enemy leaders don't upgrade their boulders fast enough [/list]