Patch 1.0.3 for Night Slashers: Remake is now live!
This latest update includes several fixes and adjustments. You can read the full patch notes here:
[*] Added better dynamic lightning in Stage 3
[*] Added better VFX to Jake's Desperation Move and Jake's charged attack
[*] UI Update: Added visual information on HP bars for minimal HP needed to perform a Special Attack
[*] Added more food items on Stage 2
[*] Blocked possibility for too fast button press on game over menu
[*] Adjusted Golem behavior: No insta grab from knockdown anymore
[*] Adjusted Golem behavior: Characters will not get stunned after hitting border after getting hit by Golem's strong punch
[*] Adjusted Golem behavior: No insta grab from knockdown anymore
[*] Added immunity frames for Chris' Desperation Move
[*] Adjusted attack colliders for Death Boss
[*] Adjusted height of Liu Feilin's thrown objects
[*] Adjusted Bat's attack position
[*] Adjusted Liu Feilin's air Special Attack timing
[*] Adjusted timing of charged attack activation on button release
[*] Adjusted timings of spawn on Stage 1 to better show spawn animations
[*] Adjusted and added immunity frames on grab attacks for all playable characters
[*] Adjusted and added immunity frames on Desperation Moves for all playable characters
[*] Adjusted King Zarutz's Demon Head position on spawn animation
[*] Adjusted timings of King Zarutz's fireballs in chase section of Stage 7
[*] Adjusted timing of active hit collider of Haunted Paintings on Stage 3
[*] Adjusted slightly movement speed of all playable characters
[*] Adjusted slightly movement speed of some enemies and bosses
[*] After picking up food item, HP will be restored instantly, not after finished combo
[*] Fixed problem with bonus level 2 gauge not filling up above 60 FPS
[*] Fixed problem with enemies hanging in air on Stage 3 elevator fight
[*] Fixed problem with flipped player indicators in Secret Section
[*] Fixed problem with characters getting stuck in a plane on start of Stage 6
[*] Fixed problem with charged attack sometimes not working after getting grabbed by a boss
[*] Fixed problem with thrown items not always registering collision when enemy is near stage border
[*] Other minor fixes and improvements
Thank you for your ongoing feedback!