Patch 1.0.17

Haydee 2

Haydee II is a third-person puzzle-shooter, but with a sexy character and a cake!

Hello, people! In this patch we introduce some new mechanics and fixes: [h1]Injectors[/h1] Injection is a new engine mechanic. It allows modders to modify game assets (director scripts and templates) without directly overwriting them. For details on this mechanic watch the video made by the BlueFox: [h1]Subtitles[/h1] Now the game supports subtitles for audio files which can be translated as .translate. At this point only Russian and English subtitles are available. Also a new script node Subtitle is introduced for modders. [h1]Breathing[/h1] It's a small update to the swimming mechanic introduced with 1.0.16. Now the playing character has an oxygen meter which depletes while the character is submerged in water. This mechanic is implemented as a Stamina gauge and can be used by modders in their projects. For details see Haydee\Damage.dir script. [h1]Other changes and fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Ctrl+LMB click on graph properties (Animations, Directors, Particles and Widgets) now automatically opens associated graphs in Graphite. [*] WaterTune node for changing Water component properties via script. [*] Sound component now properly interacts with travels (doesn't startup after a travel if it was stopped before) [*] Player component cloning issue is fixed. [*] Pawn height/radius issue is fixed. [*] Head component is now stable with invalid parameters. [*] BotBase.dir bTargetLocated issue is fixed. [*] Pawn steps while climbing now play proper sounds. [*] Mask material channels for Visor and Mask are fixed for proper recoloring. [/list] [h1]Updated Content[/h1] Due to the introduction of new mechanics some game files were updated. This may result in conflicts with their respective modded versions. Be warned. Changed files: [list] [*] Directors\Haydee\Climb.dir [*] Directors\Haydee\ClimbGrip.dir [*] Directors\Haydee\PawnSounds.dir [*] Directors\Haydee\Damage.dir [*] Maps\Security\ [*] Scenes\N7_SEC_Shuttle.scene [*] Widgets\Avatar.widget [*] Widgets\Avatar.dir [*] Widgets\Inventory.widget [*] Widgets\Inventory.dir [*] Custom\Services\N7Countdown.dir [*] Sounds\Announcer\ [*] Items\Mask\Mask.mtl [*] Items\Visor\Visor.mtl [*] Templates\Player.templ [/list] New files: [list] [*] Widgets\Subtitle.widget [*] Localized\Translations\N7_SubEnglish.translate [*] Localized\Translations\N7_SubRussian.translate [/list]