Patch 0.84a rolling out


With classic ARPG-inspired combat, this hack n' slash roguelike RPG puts you in the shoes of a powerful hero on the rise. Make your own creative decisions in epic battle encounters, ponder moral choices, acquire fantastical items, and even customize your own town.

Herolike Early Access is off to a great start and the feedback from the community is top notch. The short version (you will find patch details below) is that this patch focused on visual and AI bugs, while trying to address the game balance in difficulty. I'm looking forward to see if you guys think that balance is going in the right direction. If you get any new crashes, please send the crash and player log to It's really important to obtain these logs for easier troubleshooting. Patch details: - fixed: multiple displays(monitors) issue - fixed: Earth Armor skill gave 460 armor at level 15 - fixed: crashing when spawning the wealth rune while game is paused - fixed: crashing when using potions from inventory - fixed: typos in mission text and skills description - fixed: runes are now unique items, meaning that you can only have one of each at any time. This prevents the exploit where you could obtain massive damage or armor just by spamming runes - changed: merchant text in shops is now easier to read - changed: Guardian Shield Bash scales better in the first 10 levels (more damage), and reduced mana cost in later levels - added: potion description (how much they heal) - changed: killing fog damage had been re-scaled - changed: Aspect of Storm skill damage and AOE range - changed: friendly missions, no more chance of bosses - changed: Defense Missions now should pose more difficulty in later levels as I doubled the spawning points and spawn times now scale with level. - changed: Seeking Spirits skill was too powerful, scaled down damage and raised mana costs - added: skills based on duration now have the duration shown in description - changed: power-ups spawn more often and give better bonuses - changed: bosses are now more dangerous (their skills are more efficient and bosses have better survivability and damage) - changed: item prices, so they are cheaper at lower levels but more expensive at higher levels - changed: changed stats and their attributes to better reflect hero Classes - added: more information in the hero Status window so players understand better the impact of each stat or attribute - fixed: minor texture display issues - fixed: Scavengers Guild Level 1 display bug where it shown that materials are available also for level 1 - fixed: some display bugs for Shaman's weapons Thank you for playing guys and thank you for the awesome support! Games Hut