Patch 0.5.6

Corvos Dynasty Playtest

Story: [list] [*]Added some more fades during scenes in chapter 1 [/list] Arcade: [list] [*]Doubled the number of maps for arcade mode from 20 to 45 [*]Characters now say there are unlock conditions [*]Demon encounter radius reduced [*]Stat boosters are now fairies [*]Npc's will no longer give quests or accept donations [*]Npc's now have more identifiable sprites [*]Some merchants have reduced options [*]Bonus routes mechanics have been modified to play well with summons [*]Serah now spawns with a rune crystal for summoning(tier 2/3 being worked on) [*]Weapons and armor no longer give health boosts [*]Fixed some broken sprites for harvesting [/list]