Patch 0.46.2


Rogalia is the sandbox with fantasy open world, meal-based character leveling, nice graphics and cozy atmosphere.

- Character panel now shows level bonuses. - Each level now gives 1% bonus to the maximum weight - Ivan took up hunting and started selling bows, spears, a sling and a Healing Cream. - Bruno now sells leather. - Added copper nails. They have no skill requirement. Most NPCs can now buy up various items in exchange for experience and silver. Long-term work with a specific NPC will open up new sales markets and improve prices of already open buyups. Here's some things what NPCs are buying: - Blacksmith Kuzma. He is interested in various metal products. - Tailor Bruno. Buys cloth, leather and jewelry. - Alchemist Sabrina. Buys almost everything related to alchemy and herbalism. - Bertran buys various food and things related to farming/fishing. - Ivan is interested in the wooden things, as well as various goods obtained by hunting. Balance fixes: - Honey Gingerbread: increased carbohydrate to 1.0, energy to 3.5. - Reduced weight: Hunter root, gears, eggs (raw and cooked).