Patch 0.4.4


Llanthmar is a turn-based, strategy game that tasks you with ensuring the survival of your lost colony on an unknown planet. Gather resources, manufacture supplies, and fight back against anything that threatens to take them away.

[h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added several new graphics options to the options menu. [*] Added auto detect for settings. [*] Added save settings option to save all settings. [*] Added a visible turn indicator over the character whose turn it currently is. [*] Added a Build Turn button on the construction menu. This will build out as many times a possible and either end your turn if the building isn't complete or wait for further instructions if it is. [*] Added the resource quality system. Higher quality resources create better items and structures. [*] Added: Iron and Steel Kettle Helms [*] Fully Added Heal, Fireball, and Lightning spells. [*] Added Iceball spell. [*] Fireball can set your target on fire once they have accumulated enough fire damage. This can be put out by the character by attempting to douse it or by using a spell such as iceball on them. Fire is capable of spreading to nearby characters or tiles if it gets out of hand. [*] Iceball can freeze your target in place. The frozen character will need to attempt use strength to break free of the ice or stay frozen until thawed. Get a tile cold enough and it too will freeze. [*] A massive amount of update Icon art. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug in the building system causing the wrong items to be used when calculating the buildings final quality [*] Fixed character rotation using A/D to rotate left right. [*] Combat window should now close properly when ending your turn. [/list]