Patch 0.1 Released!


Cyberplug is a 2D platformer, where you control an electric being capable of moving at high speed and use electricity to advance through enemies and destroy a corporation that rules the cyberpunk themed city.

Hello everyone! We are really happy with the feedback and support that you are giving to us, thank you. We fixed some minor bugs, some of them have been spotted by you on the reviews section: [list] [*]Main menu´s performance [/list] [list] [*]Default language set to [i]English[/i] [/list] [list] [*]Some of the climbable walls were not colliding properly resulting in pushing the character or making it stuck [/list] We are also aware that some of you are having bugs with the lighting in some of the first levels, near the toxic water. We are still working on this since we can´t replicate it on our machines. We hope you enjoyed the game. Down With the Frog Team.