IMMURE is a story driven, psychological horror game. Will, the protagonist, has found himself trapped inside a foreboding Mansion with no exit. To escape, he must travel through strange doors which lead into other dimensions, filled with tormented souls.
Greetings everyone, we’re updating to let you all know that IMMURE: Part One is planned to be released on May 9th here on Steam! We added more content pertaining to story and extra polish to almost every discoverable area of the game. We’ve had closed beta testers help us get our game ready for release so a huge shoutout to those testers from our discord who took part in our testing.
Our plan for IMMURE is to release two parts initially. Each part will be sold separately, the second of which as DLC. We have crafted the way in which to wrap up the story enough to be a conclusion. If the response is really positive on these released parts, we would like to release subsequent DLC-style chapters that would extend IMMURE’s story in satisfying ways.
That’s it for now. Be sure to wishlist IMMURE and stay tuned for more info soon!
Your friends,
-Wither Team