PARADOGX Version 0.1.6 - NEW block + 4 NEW Levels

The PARADOGX Incident

Welcome to "The PARADOGX Incident," a puzzle/rhythm platformer where every beat and move counts! Join Dox, the clever dog, to collect bones, solve recursive puzzles, and conquer rhythm levels. Experience dynamic gameplay and an adaptive soundtrack!

Super stable build with new levels to play around! [h2]Features:[/h2] [list] [*] Added a new variation of the Cloud block [*] Level Type (Puzzel, Rhythm, Mixed, Other) can now be seen on portal [*] Add a way to go back into tutorial world [*] Sub HUB's can now be locked behind beaten levels [*] Added a way to get into the new Sub HUB [*] Added input device sensible signs [*] Improved UI sliders by adding small detail [/list] [h2]LVL's:[/h2] [list] [*] Improved first lvl's to be more newcomer friendly [*] Added 2 new tutorial lvl [*] Added 2 new Levels in the new Sub HUB world [*] Added a new Sub HUB world [/list] [h2]Bugfixing:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed input issues [*] Audio mix is now louder [*] HUB Portals now show the name [*] Added default SongMix to load when no SongMix is in Scene [*] Fixed MIDI file length issues for some songs [*] Signs in tutorial world now directly say the button you need to push (Gamepad & Keyboard) [*] Minor bugfixing [/list]