P4AU Opt-In Beta 1 - IntRenderer Error Update

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

A Persona 4 Smackdown!

Hello Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Players! Thank you for reporting your issues with Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. Our team has addressed an issue where users would receive an IntRenderer error upon launching the game, and have rolled a fix into the beta branch. This is an opt-in beta, so if you would like to opt in, please do the following: From Persona 4 Arena Ultimax in your Steam library, right click and go to Properties. Navigate to the BETAS tab and enter the beta access code: p4auopenbeta1 From the drop down menu, select “open_beta_1-_”. Issues addressed in this beta: [list][*]Improved stability of the build which should reduce occurrence of "intrenderer" errors.[/list] Please post issues in this thread regarding this beta so that we can further identify technical issues. We appreciate your feedback and information you provided us. ATLUS Comms