OUT NOW, Neighborhorde!


Neighborhorde is a couch co-op shoot-em-up where you and your team of friends use toys as weapons and game-changing superpowers to try to survive the attacks of evil robots and zombie Abe Lincolns.

That's right, Neighborhorde is out now! Grab your pals and kick some bad guy butt. [img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5313f4d2e4b02a8d2512ef9d/t/591b572ec534a54e1e93c821/1494964768903/Neighborhorde+Promo[/img] We're incredibly excited to finally release this thing! Neighborhorde is our dream project. We’re just a little three-man indie studio of good friends that wanted to build a silly game we could play together and recapture those countless hours in our childhoods spent imagining action movie scenarios. It's been a long 2 years making this thing, and we're super proud to finally bring it to you all. Cheers from us all here at Fermenter. Here's a little photo of us from 2 years ago when we were still prototyping in my living room. [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/12179368/6ab550b9647237dc718152e8895742cb3043c626.jpg[/img] We'll be active in the community discussions and comments, so let us know what you think. We're looking forward to chatting with you all! ALSO, if you're down for a little friendly competition, I'm giving away copies of my previous games to the first 10 players who post a screenshot of the VICTORY screen (on Normal difficulty). Post in this linked thread to qualify! http://steamcommunity.com/app/446760/discussions/0/1290691937729409918/ Thanks for playing, and we'll see you in Neighborville! Andrew