OUT NOW: Containment!


Containment is a turn-based, minimalist strategy game about managing the growth of bacteria. Use antibiotics to keep their power under control as you work towards containment.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31743256/daedac74139c20c59677e8986332362386456cc4.png[/img] [h1] Today is the day... [/h1] We are incredibly excited to release our first game today. Containment will be going live at noon (EST), and we hope that you all enjoy this game. We've been working very hard to ensure that, in spite of it's short play time, the content is as polished and fun as possible. [h1] Problems? Talk to us! [/h1] We care about our games, and we want to make sure you have a good experience playing them. If you're running into a problem, do not hesitate to post in the community hub or send us an email at info@finitereflection.com. We've listed a few bugs below that we are aware of, so please bear with us while we try to address them in an update soon. [h1] Release Notes [/h1] [b] Known Bugs [/b] [list] [*] Leaderboards don't update immediately. Steam is saving everyone's scores, but it takes a while for our UI to respond. Might be related to slow internet issues, so we are looking into a solution that saves scores locally for immediate viewing. [*] Some resolutions result in weird visual bugs (stay away from 4:3 resolutions for now) [*] Some of our Spanish translations may not be perfect, please let us know if anything is wrong and we will address it asap. [/list] [b] Changelog [/b] [list] [*] Fixed research UI disappearing beyond Beginner level [*] Added localization for all tutorial pieces [*] Finalized credits [*] Fixed accents from rendering poorly (like "é") [*] Research mechanic is hidden until the appropriate level [/list] [h1] Be sure to check out the message of the day and patch notes in-game! [/h1]