Our Stance on Anti-Cheat & Bannable Offenses

Dungeonborne Playtest

Dear Adventurers: Maintaining a fair and cheat-free environment in Dungeonborne has always been our top priority. To reinforce this commitment, we're officially introducing our "Anti-Cheat Statement" and "Bannable Offenses List" to address in-game violations and cheating. [h3][b]Anti-Cheat Statement:[/b][/h3] Let's be crystal clear: we have a zero-tolerance policy towards cheating of any kind. Anyone caught cheating will face severe consequences. In addition to banning cheaters' accounts and hardware, we will regularly publish updates on recent banwaves. Our team will also continue to enhance the in-game report and feedback system, making it easier for players to report any suspicious activity. Maintaining and protecting the fair-play environment in Dungeonborne requires both our efforts and yours. Please enjoy the game while adhering to our policies. Anti-Cheat will be a continuous battle, but it’s one we're committed to fighting. [h3][b]Punishable offenses include, but are not limited to:[/b][/h3] [h3][Cheating][/h3] ●Using cheats or third-party software for an unfair advantage ●Promoting or selling cheats in-game ●Exploiting bugs or loopholes for an unfair advantage ●Modifying client files or using unofficial game clients ●Deliberately bypassing Anti-Cheat measures [h3][Damaging the Game Environment][/h3] ●Toxic or disruptive behavior ●Intentional team-killing ●Teaming with cheaters or Pre-Teaming ●Botting, Real-money trading ●Using language or terms prohibited by game policies ●Exploiting bugs to negatively impact the game experience ●Engaging in severe market manipulation or illicit profiteering [h3]Penalties include but are not limited to:[/h3] ●Hardware Bans, Account Bans, Muting, Leaderboard Bans (and removal of Rankings), Restrictions on in-game Chat, Voice Chat, Trading, etc. ●The severity of the punishment will match the offense, ranging from short-term bans to permanent account and hardware bans. Our team is dedicated to maintaining a fair-play environment in Dungeonborne and will not tolerate any violations of this code. We take every violation seriously and will work hand-in-hand with the community to ensure a positive gaming experience for everyone. Thank you all for your understanding and support. -Mithril