Otherplane Roadmap 2024-2025

Note: The following is subject to change. [h2]DIFFICULTY SETTINGS[/h2] [i]Planned release: December 2024[/i] We will be adding four difficulty settings to Otherplane. These difficulty settings will allow you to play the game how you’d like, whether you just want to engage with the puzzles and atmosphere or want a challenge against the ghosts. As part of the difficulty rework we will also be rebalancing sanity and the use of crucifixes. [b]Puzzles Only[/b] In puzzle only mode you can simply focus on solving the puzzles. The ghost will still roam around, but will no longer be a threat. [b]Easy[/b] In easy mode the ghost will still be a threat but the ghost speeds and frequency of spawns will be reduced. [b]Medium[/b] Medium mode will be similar to what you get today. The ghost's spawn rate and speed will increase significantly as you complete more puzzles. [b]Hard[/b] Hard mode is for players who want a challenge. The ghost's spawn rate and speed will majorly increase with puzzle completion, and sanity will have a larger impact on spawn rate. [h2]COMPLETION TIMERS[/h2] [i]Planned release: January 2025[/i] We will add a system to let you track how long it takes you to complete each map. These will be compared separately based on the number of players. Times will be recorded for: [list] [*] The time to complete all the puzzles in a map [*] The time to complete a map with scattered memories [/list] [h2]IMPROVEMENTS & PATCHES[/h2] [i]Planned release: February 2025[/i] There will be various improvements and patches including: [list] [*] Controller support [*] Returning to lobby after map completion [*] Improved loading screens [/list] [h2]NEW MAP: 1990s ERA OFFICE[/h2] [i]Planned release: To be announced[/i] We will soon start on the second map for Otherplane, which will take place in a 1990s era office. This map will introduce 10 new puzzles, new ghosts and additional lore. More info on this map will be announced as we have more to share. [h2]FEEDBACK OR SUGGESTIONS?[/h2] If you’d like to provide feedback or suggestions for what we can do to improve Otherplane, then please join the [url=https://discord.com/invite/8sZAr6ASPV]Otherplane Discord[/url].