OST Now Available on Steam

Broken Minds

A psychological murder mystery set in 90s Japan.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32796120/de359d00f3db5f055fefc357a95cf9a945ff0680.png[/img] I'm happy to announce that the OST for [i]Broken Minds[/i] is now available to purchase as DLC! It includes 40 tracks, over an hour and seven minutes of music. Successfully publishing this DLC was sort of a test — now I am confident I will also be able to put the light novel "Broken Egg" as DLC up on Steam as well. Unlike the soundtrack, [i]Broken Egg[/i] will be free for anyone with the base game. Stay tuned! — LockedOn.