Operation Hawaii

SGS Operation Hawaii

On December 7th, 1941, the Empire of Japan struck a surprise blow against unsuspecting American forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaï. In the ensuing confusion and panic, the USA feared a Japanese invasion of Oahu island, but it fortunately did not materialize. But what would have happened if it had?

The game is releasing now, on this symbolic day. It is the first time we make a simulation of what could have existed at the time. Explore new situations with this new installment of the SGS series. We also used the opportunity to improve all other games of the SGS collection. List of improvements below. [b]IMPROVEMENTS[/b] [list] [*] (Aerial Movement AI) Better management of stacking value limits. Attacks are now more focused on important regions for the AI's side. [*] (Aerial Defense Movement AI) Units that follow the same path are now grouped to speed up the action. [*] (Localization) Added missing Unit descriptors. [/list]