Only 7 DAYS until the full game release!

Dynopunk: Welcome to Synth-City

An ironic adventure with cyberpunk aesthetics set in a world where humans have been replaced by dinosaurs. Become a top-notch repair shop mechanic: fix gadgets, have heart-to-heart talks, and offer drinks to your customers β€” everything to fulfill your ultimate dream.

Hello-hello! Are you excited about the [b]Dynopunk[/b]'s release in a week? πŸ‘€ We sure are! πŸ¦ΎπŸ¦– [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40313046/b5334ec240bac96961595d9dc52c8812f44001fc.jpg[/img] Final touches are being made, and we're almost ready to share with you what the future holds for our characters (weird to say, given the game's time travel plot, but we're sure you get it, heh). So, just 7 days before the launch, and we've decided that it's time to reveal the price πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ [b]14.99 USD[/b] with a [b]10%[/b] launch discount exclusively on Steam 😎 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40313046/15dae4bb23447f37be69e7aa832515f21aa1dd92.gif[/img] We're very thrilled about the release and hope you guys are just as hyped as we are! Thank you for all the love and support for our game πŸ₯° Make sure to add the game to your wishlist and maybe even share it with a friend, that would help us a lot! Also, check out our [url=]YouTube channel[/url] with some fun little videos we've made along the way. We will also release the OST for the game there soon after the release! Oh, and if you want to chat with us, hop into our [url=]Discord server[/url], we'd love to meet and have a chat with all of you!