Online matches improved in v0.9.4

Kopanito All-Stars Soccer

Fast-paced football game without a referee on the pitch and with crazy super-powers! It may not look serious, but we guarantee, that it is. Kopanito’s match engine is well-balanced and entirely skill-based.

[img][/img] [h1]Hi all![/h1] Kopanito has been updated to [b]v0.9.4[/b] mainly with bugfixes related to online play. Rendering of online matches have been greatly improved. Online matches should be now very smooth, all glitches and screen jumps have been minimized with the new net code. Latency should now impact gameplay a little less (but it's still here if playing over long distances). Give it a try and let us know if it works better for you. It's now also possible to play online in [b]cooperation against AI[/b] when creating own lobby. [h1]Other changes since v0.9.2[/h1] [list] [*]Added 2 minutes match time option (requested by [i]marciN[/i]). [*]Fixed the Glue achievement not unlocking (thanks [i]ZOOCH716[/i]). [*]Increased time in the Kick and Rush achievement to 15 seconds (thanks [i]ZOOCH716[/i]). [*]Fixed crash or idle state when knocking down a player performing corner kick (thanks [i]aM_[/i]). [*]Many other fixes related to online matches. [/list] Have fun! ⚽️ Kopanito on [url=]IndieDB[/url] ● [url=]Facebook[/url] ● [url=]Twitter[/url] ● [url=]YouTube[/url] ● [url=]Official Site[/url]