One Way Road: Firehunt - Release Date Announcement

One Way Road: Firehunt

Firehunt is a prologue for the main story One Way Road. Take part in space battles as you travel across the galaxy and fight to save humanity. This cinematic narrative driven action-focused space shooter, will take you on a journey into the near future, and put the destiny of mankind in your hands.

[h3]Hello, dear players![/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44795096/c3a751ea49d6ebb935092bb3bc5a9ab3bfb890eb.gif[/img] I'm super excited to announce the release of the free version of [b]One Way Road[/b] on [b]May 29th at 10:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time[/b]. The countdown is on! Only 2 weeks left. This is only the beginning of the story about Space Fleet Commander, James Dekker. The main differences from the previously released demo version: [list] [*] All game mechanics are available. [*] Steam achievements. [*] The reward for completing the prologue. [/list] [h3]See you aboard the Space cruiser![/h3] Don't forget to wishlist and follow the full game! This helps a lot and I truly appreciate it! [h3]Got any questions about the game?[/h3] Join the [url=]Discord[/url] community and don't be shy to ask.