"one night, hot springs" is now in traditional chinese! 現在有正體中文版了

one night, hot springs

Haru is invited by her old friend Manami to spend a night at the hot springs. All Haru wants to do is enjoy the hot springs like everyone else, but she doesn't want to cause any trouble...

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33436033/c7d63037ff079242d2a79d0b88632b495f5875ed.png[/img] ​hello again! thanks to eiya, "one night, hot springs" is now available in traditional chinese. this makes the tenth language that this game is available in, which means a lot to me since this is just a free game but it's available for so many different people. thank you to everyone who has played thus far. this update also added ren'py's new built-in accessibility menu! press 'A' to access it in-game. ONE NIGHT, HOT SPRINGS 現在有正體中文版了!感謝 Eiya 翻譯。