On the House - 1.3.0 Update

DEAD MAN'S HAND: Card Roulette Action

Dead Man’s Hand is a 2-8 player online party game that combines the classic game of Russian Roulette with the unpredictable nature of card games. Featuring private lobbies and public matchmaking, only one can win DEAD MAN'S HAND.

Howdy, y’all. Tapkeeper here along with the team at DEAD MAN’S HAND Saloon bringin’ you exciting news straight from the Wild Frontier. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44918709/4591404c25ea2752735560c300cfb6fb1d63ab7c.png[/img] [h1]On the House - DMH Patch 1.3.0[/h1] Patch 1.3 brings a massive change to the DEAD MAN’S HAND Saloon’s multiplayer offerings and where to play. [h2]Account Creation Expanded — DMH Saloon Membership[/h2] As part of Patch 1.3, we are now enabling users to create their own user accounts within the DEAD MAN’S HAND Saloon that will allow them to log in and maintain progress across multiple platforms. With those words in mind, you may be wondering what sort of platforms we might be talking about… [h2]Web Browser & Smart Phone Compatibility[/h2] We are pleased to announce that players can now access the game via web browser on both desktop and mobile. That’s right, you can now play DEAD MAN’S HAND on your phones and mobile devices! Visit our website cardrouletteaction.com to play! Make sure to set up your DMH Saloon Membership Card so that your progress will be saved. [h2]Lobby Codes[/h2] Custom sessions will now generate lobby codes that can be used to connect to the lobby directly from the main menu. [h2]Friends Can Play for Free![/h2] Launching with the release of Patch 1.3 is a big change for those who want to play with friends who don’t yet own their own copy of the game— Guest Player Slots! When creating new lobbies, players may also share the lobby code with up to three guest players. Guest players who do not own their own copy of DEAD MAN’S HAND: Card Roulette Action can launch the demo on Steam or visit the game’s itch.io page and join in via web browser by using the lobby code. Please be advised that unless a player who owns a copy of the game hosts a lobby and shares the lobby code, only practice mode will be available to guest users. Once again, guest players will be capped at 3 per lobby. Please note that player data, including customization and Frontier Credits, will not be saved after the conclusion of the game session. Lobbies will be terminated once all paid users have left the session. [h3]Turn Start Voice Lines Added[/h3] New voice lines have been added to notify players when it is the start of their turn as the Holder. [h3]News Button Added to Main Menu[/h3] A News button has been added to the main menu. Clicking it will bring up a new window featuring information related to the latest news and updates for DEAD MAN’S HAND: Card Roulette Action. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44918709/4f060d26a9aa70542b50e4362bff61f9e7b46f39.png[/img]