Olympicats DLC: 4 Days to Go ๐Ÿ’ก Creative Tips and Tricks! ๐Ÿ’ก

Meow Moments: Celebrating Together

Join the feline festivities in special moments! Find cats friends in vibrant celebrations where popping balloons is as relaxing and satisfying as popping bubble wrap! To get off to a good start, celebrate Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro during the New Year.

Get inspired with tips and tricks for creating stunning scenes in the Community and Creative Maker! Imagine what you can do with all the new Olympicats assets! โœจ [olist] [*] [b]Mind the Perspective and Proportion:[/b] Use the editor tools to build the scene you envision. [*] [b]Unique Characters:[/b] You can't use a findable character more than once (it would be impossible to play the level), but you can repeat scenario items. [*] [b]Hide Smartly:[/b] You can't hide a findable character behind another one or a scenario item, but you can place balloons over them. [*] [b]Engage with Your Cover, Title, and Description:[/b] These are great ways to introduce your scene and pique the community's interest. [*] [b]Mix and Match:[/b] Use items from different scenes to create new and exciting situations. The possibilities are endless! [*] [b]Recurring Characters:[/b] Some characters appear in multiple scenes (New Year, Valentine's Day, and Olympicats). Have you noticed which ones? Create a story with them! [/olist] Below snapshopt from Praiamonium, by Jogador Numero Zero [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44800838/133d8e318416b42123ead1dc64d007b604d3e324.jpg[/img] #CreativeTips #MeowMoments #OlympicatsDLC