Dear distinguished Gentlemen & Ladies,
Today we welcome all PS4 players to the family of ultimate insults! It’s also a great news for all our beloved PC players.
Don’t waste your time on Facebook arguing with console players. Now you can throw an instant argument using the game you already love!
Oh…Sir!! The Insult Simulator, brought to PS4 by Crunching Koalas, supports cross-play multiplayer between PC, console and even mobile! It means, that you can expect a flow of inexperienced players, who still don’t know about the Combos, Weaknesses and Continuations.
However, we kindly ask you to stay fair and helpful, if you want to support our idea to constantly push for merging, rather than splitting our community.
The game is up to date with all the balance patches, characters, scenarios, etc. Let the insult face-off begin! Xbox players will join us later this June.
Yours sincerely,
Vile Monarch