October Major Update

SGS Fall Weiss

The Second World War began with the invasion of Poland by German forces on 1 September 1939. It is represented in this strategy game, a fully-fledged turn-based wargame.

In parallel with work on SGS Huê 1968 in the Battles series and research and preparation work on the future SGS monster game in the "Modern Warfare" series, dedicated to the Iran-Iraq war (including the possibility of Soviet invasion and American intervention) and the first Gulf war (1990-1991), various improvements, additions and fixes have been made to SGS Fall Weiss by its designer (who is also the designer of SGS NATO's Nightmare). Work has begun on a new small scenario (the Battle of Tuchola), but this will only be included at a later date (due to lack of time for proper testing). Changes in this update are as follows: [list] [*] [b]Added content[/b] : all German armored divisions now benefit from the same mechanism as Polish infantry divisions. In other words, a division that has been destroyed in principle has a good chance of being reintroduced into the game (counters with altered capabilities) in subsequent turns. For Poles, this system was introduced in the previous update. It reflects the fact that these large units are generally very resilient, and often manage to survive defeats (even if their numbers and equipment dwindle), more or less extricate themselves from encirclements and thus remain available over the long term. - German armored divisions have now this characteristic : any unit of this type (armored divisions, not "light divisions") destroyed in play is likely (more so than Polish infantry divisions) to come back into play on subsequent turns, in given regions, as a counter with reduced combat capabilities. - The underlying idea here is that these units have succeeded in breaking through or advancing deep into the Polish position, only to be damaged by counter-attacks and temporarily neutralized, necessitating the cessation of operations for rapid reorganization. Prosaically, the disappearance of a German armored division in battle does not mean that the unit has been totally and irretrievably destroyed. - This mechanism favors German offensive postures, both for the human player and the AI, as successful breakthroughs are relatively easily crushed by the Polish player (even more so when the German side is played by the AI), and the crushing of a daring breakthrough will no longer be so radically punitive. From the point of view of realistic consistency, this is also relevant, and expresses a resilience in units that is often difficult to translate into wargames. [*] [b]Improvements to the campaign and scenario for the USSR invasion of Poland[/b] : once the Soviet intervention was launched, Soviet aircraft sometimes flew too far west, even bombing Warsaw ; now, Soviet aircraft cannot fly missions beyond the dividing line (to the west) once the Soviet intervention is launched. - By the same token, Soviet ground units cannot advance beyond the dividing line to the west. [*] [b]Improvement to the campaign[/b] : the importance of the "Romanian corridor" for the Polish player was poorly rendered (the Polish side had no interest in defending the said corridor). This is now changed : the Polish player receives a significant number of victory points for the areas bordering Romania (and moving northwards : the "Romanian corridor") at the end of the game. Trying to protect this area when the Soviet invasion begins becomes crucial. [*] [b]Another improvement in the campaign[/b] is that the German player must now play one of the three cards proposed at the start of the game with an objective that must be achieved (control of Warsaw and Lvov and destruction of part of the Polish army ; control of a certain number of regions identified on the map along the dividing line ; total destruction of the Polish army). Reaching the chosen objective is constrained by a time limit (correlated with historical results) with no consequence on Axis victory points. On the other hand, failure to reach the chosen objective will result in a significant drop in victory points if the objective is not reached on time. A race against time thus begins, forcing the Axis player to take risks. [*] [b]General corrections[/b] : here is the list: - one event referred to Germany's declaration of war on Poland. As rightly pointed out by a player, Germany invaded Poland without a declaration of war ; the event in question has now been changed. - some minor fixes have been made to unit capabilities. - all game cards have been reviewed, including corrections to their triggering (e.g. siege cards). [/list] [b]SGS Fall Weiss[/b] will continue to evolve over time. The case of a new small scenario is mentioned above (the battle of Tuchola), partly realized at the time of writing. The case of an alternative deployment system for Poland, in the alternative history campaign scenario, was mentioned in the previous update. It has been integrated into the game, but is not currently active, as the results of test games have been very unsatisfactory. More work needs to be done in this area. In short, if you've bought Fall Weiss, you'll continue to see the game evolve, given that the content is already extremely rich. [h2]IMPORTANT NOTE[/h2] This is an important update. It means you shouldn't play from old saves (made before the update), unless you notice strange effects and bugs that aren't bugs (caused by a mismatch between the save data and the changes made in the game database).