October 14th Update - 0.118


Create, Collect, and Crash in Autocraft, a physics destruction sandbox. Create your own cars, rockets, tanks, planes, boats, and more.

A massive new update before our Steam Early Access launch tomorrow! - 8 New Levels: Temple Ruins, Catapult, Weapons Course, Tongue, Cosmic Worm, Ice Lake, Roach Belly, Crystal Hunt - 40 new vehicle parts in Sandbox. Including a Atom Bomb, Ski Blades for easy gliding on terrain, Spearhead Drill, and lots of new cosmetic options - Alot of fixes to Connector joints / submelders - Fixed error with weapons and using all ammo at once - A number of fixes to broken Star Challenges - We've reordered some of the later levels around, so if you have gotten passed the Propeller Jump level you might have access to new levels before your current level - Lots of optimizations to Sandbox - Removed performance hurting liquid particles from broken fuel / batteries - fixed bug causing sandbox stars to not unlock unless campaign screen was entered - some better icon textures, more consistent - Ragdoll hit terrain sounds - Now checks if a ground connector is actually connected to the ground for it to work - added roof and side bits to tinyhole to prevent easy rocket solutions - wheels can now be put upside down on vehicles, on the top of them,