Oceanside City Siege Update

Medieval Machines Builder

Medieval - times of constant sieges. Acquire plans, gather resources, create most powerful and destructive machines and then test them in battle. Thanks to your creations you will conquer more than one castle. The knights wage wars, but thanks to your machines they win them.

Welcome Medieval fans, [h3]Since the premiere, we have been working on fixing the game and listening to the voice of the community. At last, we have prepared for you, the first update "[b]Oceanside City Siege[/b]"[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/033510ff5c69be8b5fa7849843b5cf726f267a67.png[/img] If you still haven't got the game. Today you can get 20% off. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1584680/Medieval_Machines_Builder/ [h3]Here is what you get in the update:[/h3] [b]Main Features:[/b] [list] [*] A brand new level with a new machine to build - the Siege Tower [*] New crafting recipes and items [*] New music tracks [*] New sound effects for interactions and destruction [*] Bug fixes [*] Quality of life changes [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/a12ca85035eb93053fbfbc8ef5de2103286ab005.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/308eb9fd0d0c38f57335ebb9bb89d0973a3b579a.jpg[/img] [b]New Level - Oceanside City:[/b] The siege of this city has taken a few weeks now but without any success. Your mission this time, is to sneak into the siege camp and build a mighty siege tower. The siege camp's resources are scarce, so you must use anything at your disposal to finish the construction. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/0d811cc1d349f30f05099d3354c03c910444a126.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/3e259f0e55a6d03b5d0ea943f11670abd76808cd.jpg[/img] [b]The level features:[/b] [list] [*] A new Medieval Machineβ„’ to build - the mighty Siege Tower! [*] A day and night cycle: [*] A huge machine takes a long time to build - spend 4 days working on the construction [*] As happens during a war, the nights may not be as peaceful as you'd like... [*] New music to get you in the right mood [*] Naturally, a siege tower has multiple floors - you need to climb ladders to get to the higher ones! [*] Multiple story events happening throughout the construction [*] New letters from the council that you will surely read! [*] Our engineers now have some thoughts of their own - inspect some curious items and objects on the level and take a peek into their mind [*] Speak to the knights living in the camp and hear their gossip and weirdly philosophical thoughts [*] Meet with an old friend, whose wagon is in trouble again... [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/db25af1a07481da8f9f5d1534e2de9b369b81246.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/5a8da5ad94a567d8b16d689e773de19bfdb1dcb1.jpg[/img] You can find the new level at the top of the map, by the ocean. It unlocks after finishing the Riverlands level, where you construct the trebuchet. [b]QOL changes:[/b] - You can now disable head bob in the settings - Changing FOV now changes the setting in different view modes (no more "dynamic FOV") - You can now disable the missile camera in the settings (the camera won't follow the missile after shooting) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/3bf5f6870efc6e9d9387cb0479febb2885090cd1.jpg[/img] [b]Bug fixes:[/b] - The toggle boxes in the settings menu should now always correctly display their state - Translation updates in a few languages - And many, many smaller fixes... [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40193299/2d258761a94f8b7ebcbcfdf9c1c0519f3b997be7.jpg[/img] We are waiting for your feedback. Have fun Medieval Machines Builder team