OBS Studio 29.1.3 Hotfix Update

OBS Studio

Free and open-source software for video recording and live streaming

[list] [*] Fixed service selection resetting for services that are not shown by default [derrod] [*] Fixed crash when properties are deleted in callback, e.g. with the Source Record plugin [derrod] [*] Fixed keyboard shortcuts not being displayed for some context menu items [cg2121] [*] Fixed crash with Freetype 2 text sources with non-ASCII text [norihiro] [*] Fixed AMF encoder reconfiguration and dynamic bitrate not working [rhutsAMD] [*] Fixed AMF preset fallback not taking the GPUs reported throughput into account [rhutsAMD] [*] Fixed a bug preventing properties dialogs from being closed with the “Cancel” button [tuduweb] [*] Fixed window capture/game capture compatibility notices being displayed erroneously [notr1ch] [*] Fixed potential crash on exit with obs-websockets [tt2468] [*] Fixed a crash when unloading Lua scripts [xahon] [*] Fixed unnecessary undo/redo entries being created for text sources [exeldro] [*] Fixed macOS capture showing a white background on macOS 14 Beta [gxalpha] [*] Fixed macOS graphics thread timer accuracy [kc5nra] [*] Fixed a bug where the checkable "Source Toolbar" menu item in the View menu wouldn't update when you used the "Show Source Toolbar" and "Hide Source Toolbar" hotkeys [norihiro] [*] Fixed a bug where switching between "Fade" and "Fade to Black" for a quick transition would not work properly [norihiro] [*] Fixed a bug in audio settings where Audio Channels, Sample Rate, and Low Latency Audio Buffer Mode would sometimes not save properly [norihiro] [*] Fixed a bug where the placeholder text for "Group" when adding a new group wouldn't be properly localized [norihiro] [/list]