In the latest playtest build we've added:
- Items to customize the look of your shark: hats, hair, sunglasses + lots more!
- Gamepad support on desktop version
- Zombie tag: falling trophy visual timer
- Zombie tag: simplified info board
- Mirrors
Everytime you eat the shiny fish in front of the mirror in the singleplayer hub scene you get a random look, so keep chomping until you get the look you want (in future updates you'll be able to mix and match items from your inventory).
- Zombie tag: improved winner selection
- Streamlined network calls
- Light probe fixes in main multiplayer scene
Coming Soon:
- More powerups: invincibility, invisibility, friggin inlaserbility!
- The shop
- More items and skins
- More game maps and modes
As we get further along we'll be looking for more feedback regarding gameplay, etc, but for now we just want to make sure everyone can get started and that the multiplayer is solid. If you have any feedback or comments, please direct them to the Discord. Cheers!
- Simon and Jamie