[h1]Hello to all of the White Wall fans out there! [/h1]
I am pleased to say that even though these past few months have been nothing but quiet, I am still very hard at work on this title. My goal for the end of the year is to have a stable build to demo in a Steam Next fest!
Pending the release of the White Wall Kickstarter, I will be aiming to add as many goodies and features as I can before the expected launch date of March 2023!
Please feel free to send us a quick message on our website or on Steam about how you think the progress of the game is going or, if you wish to make any suggestions, please do so!
Thank you again for all of your support. We'll see you at the KickStarter!
- Davyn Lasswell
- FiendStudios LLC
[h3]Widget Modifications:[/h3]
- [BUG] the Siege Mode Timer that appears in Starctuct. It is now displayed on the left instead of the right
- Updated the tutorial at the beginning of the game, it now seamlessly continues without the need for user interaction
- Updated all loading screens with HD screenshots and view models
- [BUG] Fixed issue with shop inventory, weapons were extremely overpriced
- Updated the length of the tutorial widgets to give the user more time to read them
- Total artifact placements in the stats utility were reworked to add more artifacts to the stat
[h3]Quest(s) Additions and updates:[/h3]
- Added: Scientist Chase part 2 & 3
- Cleaned up the quest for Sibling Bond side quest
- Added: Completion of The Wall quest
- Added: “WhiteWall” quest
[h3]Other Notes: [/h3]
- Removed a few enemy spawns that had no effect on gameplay to improve performance
- Added visual items across the map in order to make certain areas easier to see
- Reviewed and fixed grammatical errors within the dialogue and quest descriptions of various items
- Reworked weapon damage to reflect the player level and skill points
- Expanded the main questline and moved the demo end up to the latest main quest break (Expanded the Demo)