Notification of ver.1.3.0 update

雨上がりのハナビィ Ameagari no Hanaby

A 2D platforming adventure featuring fireworks

The changes from ver.1.2.0 are as follows. [list] [*] It's now available to configure cross key or analog stick of the gamepad. Please understand that the gamepad configure screen will be displayed again due to this update. [*] Fixed the issue that gliding by handheld fireworks unexpectedly interrupts due to lift contact. [*] Invalidated check operation by the up key during aim. [*] Fixed the issue that if you first connected a game pad after selecting a game file and then returned to the title screen, the screen becomes white out. [*] Fixed the built-in trial version issue that restarts into world 1 of product version if you missed without going through any checkpoint. [*] After this version, the game version will be shown on the speedrun start screen and the speedrun result screen. [/list] Note: all texts have already been translated into English in this version, but proofreading by English native speakers has still not done so the translation quality is probably not high yet.