Notice regarding the end date of Early Purchase and subsequent price adjustments


The newest riveting installment in the epic Under Night In-Birth saga rises from the Abyss! Improved visuals and battle system! Witness the curtain fall on the tale of the Hollow Night. Vie for supremacy through exhilarating combat and a deep, robust battle system!

The early purchase reward - UNI2 Season Pass, will be converted back to a regular paid DLC after the end of the Early Purchase period on 31st Mar, 2024. Following the next day, April 1st, 2024, the following price adjustments will also be applied: (Before end of 31st Mar, 2024) Deluxe Edition price: US$59.99 UNI2 Season Pass: Free (After 1st April, 2024) Deluxe Edition price: US$69.99 UNI2 Season Pass: US$9.99 The prices for the other items shall remain unchanged, as follows: ・UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes Main game: US$49.99 ・Announcer Characters 25 characters set: US$19.99