Notice Regarding Disconnection Issues

Dungeon Fighter Online

Get ready for the ultimate brawl! Dungeon Fighter Online is a classic beat-em up 2D action game with an epic storyline and RPG elements! Choose from 17 diverse classes, and unravel ancient mysteries as you punch, slash, shoot, or summon your way to victory!

Greetings Adventurers, We would like to inform you of the following network issue. We have confirmed a network issue that occured from 22:15 UTC to 22:46 UTC. If you have experienced disconnections during this period that resulted in disadvantages for your account (dungeon entry count/materials, obtained items, etc), please [url=]send us a ticket[/url] for us to look into your request and provide any possible assistance or compensation. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you. [b]- Dungeon Fighter Online Support Team[/b]