Notice of Release Postponement


SKY THE SCRAPER is an action-packed adventure about Sky, a young man who pursues his uncertain dreams while working as a building window cleaner. Through exciting wire action and daily life management, endure two months of hard living and pave the way for Sky's future.

Thank you for your continued support of ‘SKY THE SCRAPER’. In order to further improve the quality of the game, we have decided to postpone the release date of this title from Late 2024 to [b]Spring 2025[/b]. We apologize to everyone who has been patiently waiting for its release. We hope that you will give us a little more time to polish up the game, and give you a gaming experience that you will enjoy even more. (We will notify you again as soon as the official release date is decided.) [b][u]Comment from developer Ryo Kobuchi[/u][/b] [quote=author] To everyone who has been waiting for the release of SKY THE SCRAPER, I'm sorry that I have to make an announcement like this. This is entirely the result of my overly optimistic estimations, as well as my desires to add more and more to the game. The development itself is steadily progressing forward, and the hazy future of Sky is finally beginning to take shape. I would be grateful if you could wait a little longer for us to deliver it to you in a quality that you can be satisfied with! Thank you for your patience. [/quote]