Norman’s Great Illusion has Launched!

Norman's Great Illusion

"Norman's Great Illusion" is a 2D pixel art visual novel in which you have to live a year as an engineer at the plant in the face of rising social tensions. Make difficult decisions, but keep in mind: you will have to pay for each choice

The game is already available. Please note that, first of all, the game is educational in nature, and not just entertaining. It aims to provide players with food for thought about social issues that affect many people in all countries. We are well aware that not everyone shares the presented point of view. Even fewer will agree with the recipes offered in the game, and the vast majority do not even want to see such games. But this is not so important if at least someone wiil find our experiment useful. We hope that the time spent playing the game will benefit you. We are waiting for constructive criticism. Do not fall into captivity of illusions. [img][/img]