Loretta is a psychological thriller that makes the player an accessory to the heroine’s crimes, leading her through a self-crafted nightmare. Loretta’s story revolves around a woman handling betrayal, her husband’s infidelity, and reclaiming her agency during the socially tumultuous 1940s.
How are you? I hope all is well. Actually, I don't think Loretta, in theory, can win in any category. After all, it's a very small game when compared to giants, pseudo-indies, and just popular hits. But nevertheless, I invite you to vote for Loretta, purchase the game at a discount, and, of course, leave a review if you enjoyed the game and it left a warm impression in this swiftly passing year.
As for the news, I continue working on a new game. Despite how harsh and unfair life can be, you still have to get up and make your thing, you know. In a way, Loretta has taught me that as well. Anyway...
I hope you manage to grab some great games during this sale!
And wishing you all the best!