No Time To Explain is live! Hotfixes and Launch Trailer

No Time To Explain Remastered

"I Am You From The Future! No Time To Explain, Follow m-OH CHRIST!" Chase your future self through time and alternate realities while fighting giant monsters, collecting hats, and eating cake! No Time To Explain Remastered is the remake of tinyBuild's debut game. Now with multiplayer!

[img][/img] No Time To Explain Remastered is now out on Steam, and available for free to everyone who owns the original! Enjoy. We made a few hotfixes today, including [list][*]Fixed the cake levels being unbeatable under certain conditions with blocks [*]Fixed the cursor being able to get out of the screen... like really far away [*]Fixed a rare glitch in the inside-space-ship-boss where you could get stuck [/list] Enjoy! Let's celebrate with a LAUNCH TRAILER!