No one knows who is patching System Shock 2 | System Shock: Enhanced Edition | Gamehypes

No one knows who is patching System Shock 2

System Shock: Enhanced Edition

Re-discover what made System Shock the first of it's kind, a ground breaking immersive sim that would inspire a generation of games to come....

If you read System Shock 2 s patch notes on Steam you might notice something unusual, as I did. In the list of fixes, additions, and technical talk, there’s a note thanking “Le Corbeau” for providing the patch. It’s an official patch that the game s publishers pushed onto Steam, but reading the note it looked to me like they didn t know who was updating their game. Can that really be the case? Spoilers for this article, but the answer is yes , and Le Corbeau remains anonymous to this day. Even after two decades, System Shock 2 still holds onto its secrets.
