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The Slothgate Experiment

The Creature Zone Returns In An Unexpected Way… The Slothgate Experiment is a physics-heavy vr game that takes place in Los Angeles, California, where Oliver Franklin has recently moved into an apartment. He is captured and taken to slothgate two weeks after he gets a job at a warehouse.

hi, we know its been a while. as of 1/20/23, we are putting no more updates to slothgate part 1. we have a couple reasons for this: 1. We Are More Focused On Slothgate: Death's Door 2. The Project Files Broke About The Future Of Slothgate: we will add more weapons, story, a few modes for Post-Campaign content, and better graphics. we will have a page sometime by the end of February. sorry for a more lengthy post, we hope to see you soon. ~Great Studios Gaming Team