Ninja Infiltration is now available to purchase!

Ninja Infiltration

Newly married ninja Ayame is assigned her most dangerous mission yet: To infiltrate Lord Amakusa’s castle for an undercover investigation. Acting as a mercenary for hire, it will take all of Ayame’s skill and willpower to uncover the truth and return home to her husband.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842063/aaaa6fc05b062717042c2e3220045173d9be2f9f.png[/img] Hello everyone! The time has come for Ayame to commence her mission in [url=]Ninja Infiltration[/url] by circle OneCoin! To celebrate the release, we're launching the game with a 20% off discount. Thank you so much for your support! Should you enjoy the kinks we represent, consider joining us on []Discord[/url] and follow us on our [url=]Steam Publisher Page[/url] for all the latest news and games from Saikey Studios! [h2]Coming soon:[/h2] [h2]You can also find us on:[/h2] [list] [*][url=]Steam Publisher Page[/url] [*][url=]Saikey Steam Community[/url] [*][url=]Twitter[/url] [*][]Discord[/url] [*][url=]Youtube[/url] [/list] This announcement was brought to you with much love from Saikey Studios. Have a great day! And don't let your ninja waifu get stolen away, unless...