Nightmare Mode, Save Slots & More! - Quality of Life Update 3 is LIVE!

[b]New Features[/b] [list] [*] [b]Multiple Save Profiles:[/b] Added support for up to 4 different save profiles. [*] [b]Introducing Nightmare Mode:[/b] A challenging new mode with account-wide rewards. [list] [*] Difficulty cannot be changed once started. [*] Matchmaking is restricted to other Nightmare Mode players only. [*] Supports world scaling options. [*] Features one-and-done Nightmare Challenges. [*] Rewards are accessible across all save slots once unlocked. [/list] [*] [b]Eventide Content:[/b] New holiday-themed content for 2023, always accessible. [list] [*] New Mythic Hunt - [i]Eventide Queen[/i] (Unlocks after completing the Crucible quest line). [*] Winter Queen echo updated: Improved Broodmother echo emitting frost pulses while shielded. [*] Eventide rewards include Helper Coins, Marks, Arc Shards, Glory, and Avarys. [*] Eventide minibosses added to Reaver Woods. [/list] [/list] [b]Adjustments and Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Added the “Arcbane” weapon skin as the reward for Lora’s Awakening 5 (granted automatically for existing players at this level). [*] Arcanist Reactivity Prime Talent now properly applies 30% of Magic Defense as a Damage Shield, with damage from the shield increased to 10% (up from 2.5%). [*] [i]Grim Harvest:[/i] Increased Bone Geyser radius to 450 for all 3 Latent Power levels. [*] [i]Night’s Edge:[/i] Daggerfall will no longer attack recently killed enemies. [*] Fixed visual issues with Tooth and Claw’s [i]Shredder Toss[/i]. [*] Fixed weapon masteries breaking when swapping within the same category. [*] [i]Inspiring Flourish:[/i] Now grants the correct amount of crit chance at each tier. [*] Fixed AS-713 Conflux echo not triggering for co-op clients. [*] Deposed King echo now drops at level 25. [*] Fixed Mythic Crucible boss echoes having the same power rating as normal versions. [*] Adjusted Deceivers’ loot tables in the Grand Deceiver hunt. [*] Raised the Artifact Power Cap from 10 → 20. [*] Fixed the Teryssa artifact passive not working. [*] Fixed some one-time chests not granting appropriate rewards. [*] Fixed co-op clients being unable to enter the hidden room in the Toll of the Relics event. [*] Fixed Lost Zone tiles not appearing on the minimap. [*] Fixed missing Reaver Flags in the Defend Fort Koken event. [*] Fixed bonus chest animations in Void Dungeon summary screens. [*] Fixed Arcbound Sentinel patrol animations. [*] Fixed various collision issues. [*] Fixed Job board progress bar not functioning. [*] Fixed Crucible expeditions with Greed imbuements dropping incorrect accessories. [*] Fixed Imbuement Boon “Turned Tables” not applying correctly. [*] Fixed players spawning out of bounds after fast-traveling. [*] Fixed multiple boss health bars appearing for the same enemy. [*] Fixed various narrative quips not playing correctly. [*] Fixed quest markers either missing or pointing incorrectly. [*] Fixed co-op clients seeing “!” for unaccepted host quests. [*] Fixed Demolitionist not spawning for the quest [i]The Mad Bomber[/i]. [*] Fixed stretched VFX on the [i]Portent[/i] weapon. [*] Fixed dye channel mapping for the Veritas weapon skin. [*] Fixed incorrect menu visuals for the Glacius weapon skin. [*] Fixed visual issues during the Slyv’r hunt. [*] Fixed Lora’s [i]Unleash[/i] buff timer getting stuck for co-op clients. [*] Fixed characters turning invisible in player housing. [*] Fixed co-op client mounts becoming detached from players. [*] Fixed visual issues during the Teryssa hunt and cutscene. [*] Fixed incorrect models for the Boreal Charger and Outrider’s Saddle. [*] Fixed various environment LOD issues. [*] Fixed missing string issues. [*] Fixed infinite loading icons for vendor shop items. [*] Fixed HUD visibility restarting during the tutorial level. [*] Fixed D-Pad functionality issues in certain scenarios. [*] Fixed “Apply Changes” firing prematurely in the settings menu. [*] Fixed UI elements persisting on screen incorrectly. [*] Fixed missing location labels on the map. [*] Fixed missing previews for emotes and sprays. [*] Fixed missing background for the Crucible tab. [*] Fixed certain menus not recognizing mouse clicks. [*] Fixed Gloomstone UI not updating after shard reduction. [*] Fixed map scrolling incorrectly for fast-travel browsing. [*] Fixed missing archetype icons for Kyros and Lora save profiles. [*] Fixed equipped consumables showing 0 count on the HUD. [*] Fixed missing Crossplay setting in the [i]Find Party[/i] menu. [/list] [b]Platform-Specific Fixes[/b] [list] [*] PS5: Fixed party statuses not updating correctly. [*] PS5: Fixed the “Could Not Join” error when accepting invites on the main menu. [*] PS5: Invite codes now filter correctly to sessions. [*] PS5: Fixed getting kicked to the title screen after completing the into in offline mode [*] Steam Deck: Fixed incorrect aspect ratio [*] Steam Deck: Fixed inability to type in chat. [*] Steam Deck: Improved UI responsiveness. [*] Discord: Fixed activity not displaying or updating correctly. [*] Fixed the application becoming unresponsive when idle in the Fallen state. [*] Fixed crashes when selecting “Exit to Main Menu.” [/list]