Next Fest Patch 1.01

Mini Mini Golf Golf

Mini Mini Golf Golf is an indie storytelling experience that goes beyond the lanes of the here and now into distant memories of a future planetary collapse. Destabilize the present and plunge into a neon psychohistory of a bizarre entity in distress. This is not a game about minigolf.

[h2]Greetings from the Akonia tech section, fellow Resonators![/h2] Our first Next Fest Update is here, and it greatly reduces loading-times! This is made possible through a change in the data structuring of our build. So unfortunately, that means that large parts of the Demo will be redownloaded for this update to work. We believe that faster loading will greatly benefit the playing experience though. Stay tuned for more updates as we make our way through Next Fest! As always, let us know in the Discord if you encounter anything extraordinary!