New Update - Old Factory + Turkish Language

Escape Z

Survive the apocalypse with friends in Escape Z. Fight and plan tactics to face hordes of zombies. Choose your character, map and prepare. Survival is your only option.

[h3]Dear Survivors,[/h3] I have some great news to share with you! I am working on a new map for "Escape Z" and I am excited to introduce you to [b]Old Factory[/b]. This new environment will take you to the heart of an abandoned industrial plant. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44562314/5bb28a37ec63f0b57f040e756b5c4994dbe5b760.png[/img] [h2]Inspiration[/h2] The [b]Old Factory[/b] will take you to a place filled with history and industrial decay. Rusty machinery, dark sheds and winding passageways create the perfect environment for a zombie apocalypse. I spent a lot of time designing a layout that balances open spaces and tight corners, offering a unique mix of exploration and danger. [h2]Implementation of the Turkish Language[/h2] I am happy to announce that, in the next update, it will support the Turkish language! With this addition, I hope to reach an even wider audience and make the game experience accessible to more players. [h3]Thank you for your continued support and for being part of this exciting phase of development. Stay tuned for further updates![/h3] [h2][url=]🔧CONTROL HERE FOR NEXT UPDATES[/url][/h2]